It’s not just our slogan.
It’s been the driving intention behind our story from the beginning.
It’s not a destination, but an expression of our relentless ambition to refine and enhance.
We believe perfection is an experience, an encounter with the exquisite.
Perfection isn’t simply making something new. It’s making something better.
Not just different. Something wonderful. Something unexpected. Something that takes everyone by surprise and opens their eyes to a new way of thinking.
Perfection can make complicated things simple.
Or it can make simple things incredible.
But it always makes things better.Perfection, real perfection, doesn’t come from just finding answers. It comes from finding new questions. From using each new discovery, to discover more new opportunities.
Perfection pushes boundaries.
It doesn’t come from meeting people’s expectations.
It comes from anticipating the expectations that they might have in the future.
It doesn’t catch up. Perfection leads.
So Porcelain Perfected is not just a philosophy, or goal.
It is the benchmark, against which we judge everything we do.
We passionately strive to genuinely perfect porcelain.
Genuine advances such as our new HydroZero™ inside ingredient technology.
Composition and firing that keeps all the strength of high-fired harsh white porcelain with all the low-fired creamy white porcelain colour everyone loves.
Beautifully strong porcelain that works hard and looks great.
Porcelain that delivers the best of both worlds.
Porcelain that doesn’t just set tables, it sets standards.
So for us, Porcelain Perfected is not an abstract concept; but a tangible reality.
It’s more than a statement; it’s a promise.
A promise of unparalleled quality and design.
A promise that you’re not just purchasing tableware, you’re buying into an ethos where perfection is fired into the essence of our company and the very material of every piece we produce.
That’s why at Zest PORCELAIN we can promise…
Porcelain. Perfected.